Sam Rissetto

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Kickin' it old school

Oldies but goodies...

Here are some pictures from my final project when I was in Studio I. I just wanted to photograph instruments in the studio to play with my use of color and different compositions. Let me know what you think.


  • At 3:30 PM, Blogger boob said…

    Wow - is this the arrangement too? These 2x2 squares all together? I dig that as the presentation. I might switch the clarinet thing and the guitar though to balance the curvy shapes overall. I dunno though - I was attracted to this lay out right from the start so maybe I wouldn't touch it.

    I like the sax-o-mo-phone (that dark jazzy feel) and the guitar the most. The clarinet reminds me of a highschool prom photo - must be because of the backdrop. I only really get that impression now after seeing all four together and comparing.

  • At 3:49 PM, Blogger K.B. said…

    Very impressive work.


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