
So the assignment was to photograph liquids and the idea was to get enough light going through it to keep the color saturated. For example, to keep the root beer from going almost black I had to put a white card behind the glass and bounce light off the card and through the glass. And by the way this was the hardest thing I've had to shoot so far. It's been awhile since I've made a root beer float so in my head I just assumed that I could set up the shot without the ice cream and then add it right before the shot. I thought it would just sit on top of the root beer and everything would be fine. I kind of forgot about the violent reaction that takes place when you mix the two. So anyway it took quite a while to set up.
At 11:06 AM,
boob said…
Hope there's still some Limeade left... Forgot to bring it home with me. It runed out great.
I like the root beer too. Surprised at the reflection in the table top - just didn't know it was that shiny. I kinda wish the can was open though. I guess it just seems like the advertisers like to see - their delicious beverage open for consumption.
At 3:48 PM,
K.B. said…
Really excellent. Your great with color balance.
At 11:52 PM,
CryptKicker said…
These are both stunning. I had forgotten how good a root beer float to look! As a consumer, I say kudos to you... these both make me hanker for the product.
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