Sam Rissetto

Thursday, March 08, 2007

This is more work I did for my food portfolio. I started out with the peppers, just using natural light. I played around with a lot of different compositions and these were my favorites.
With these I wanted to incorporate more of the environment. I need to do way more of that. So next time I shoot I'll probably pull back even more and give the pictures a sense of place. Now go get a snack because hopefully by now you're getting hungry!


  • At 11:43 AM, Blogger CryptKicker said…

    Indeed I am hungry! These are very effective. I really like the peppers in the natural light. The muffins almost give off a fresh-baked scent, they're so well shot.

    I'm off to have some pepper-laden, chocolate-topped pancakes for lunch!!

  • At 5:24 PM, Blogger boob said…

    These are definitely some new favorites for me. I don't even like butter on my pancakes but I'm hankerin' for a short stake right now.

    The triple pepper pic is great and also a great alliteration.


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